Delmarva 2005 - Pictures

From Reading we drove south through Wilmington Delaware, and part way down the Delmarva peninsula.  We wanted to be more or less near some of the major wildlife refuges, Bombay Hook, Prime Hook and so forth.  These are hotspots for wintering waterfowl.  Though of course, in October, we're a little early for winter.

10220501DSC02183.JPG (123397 bytes) Prime Hook - Thousands of snow geese.
Killens Pond, State Park 10220501DSC02189.JPG (81841 bytes)
10220501DSC02192.JPG (116777 bytes) Steve, busy with retirement papers, in the
Where we do not mow
Birds flowers and
Insects grow
10220502DSC02184.JPG (84260 bytes)
10220503DSC02186.JPG (123253 bytes) Killens Pond

Fall foliage in Delaware.

Killens Pond 10220505DSC02188.JPG (107822 bytes)
10230501IMG_5037.JPG (118770 bytes)  
Margie carrying the telescope 10230503IMG_5015.JPG (132750 bytes)
10230504merge.jpg (105420 bytes) Panorama of the snow geese at Bombay
A closeup of some of the thousand snow geese.  There were something like 7000 here at the time. 10230505merge.jpg (220472 bytes)